5.Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP) France 85.4 6.New York University (NYU) United States 85 7.Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien Austria 84.6 8.Norwegian Academy of Music Norway 84.1 9.University of the Arts Helsinki Finland 82.3 10.Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Hong Kong SAR 81.7 11.University Mozarteum Salzburg… Continue reading 2nd group of Rankings
Author: admin
Best University for music
Rank University Overall Rank 1 The Juilliard School United States 95.9 2 Royal College of Music United Kingdom 91.2 3 Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (Formerly Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama) United Kingdom 89.2 4 Royal Academy of Music United Kingdom 88.6
Who was Bartolomeo Cristofori?
Bartolomeo was an Italian maker of musical instruments famous for inventing the piano. who burned 4 may 1665 and died 27 January 1731. He burned in Pauda. Died in Florence. He was died in Second World War.
chi ha inventato il pianoforte?
Il pianoforte è uno strumento musicale a corde percosse mediante martelletti, azionati da una tastiera. L’origine del termine è italiana ed è riferito alla possibilità di suonare note a volumi diversi in base al tocco, effetto non ottenibile in strumenti a tastiera precedenti, quali il clavicembalo.[1] La tastiera è di norma composta da 88 tasti,… Continue reading chi ha inventato il pianoforte?
Who Made Piano? when?
Piano made by Bartolomeo Cristofori around the year 1700 in Italy. But Cristofori’s new invention remind almost unknown for about a decade, until in 1711 an Italian author wrote an article about it, which was later translated into German and widely published. The article also included a diagram of the piano mechanism, and most subsequent… Continue reading Who Made Piano? when?
Playing Do-Re-Mi, Music Notes And Timing:
Now look and the diagram below and have some fun playing the tune. Remember you start at Middle C, and can go up and down the piano familiarizing yourself with the keys. Music Notes and Timing: Each notes indicates how much count it should receive (how long you should down the key). Three notes are… Continue reading Playing Do-Re-Mi, Music Notes And Timing:
Getting Familiar With the Piano Keys:
The black keys are used to play what is known as sharp (#) and flat (b) notes and appear in groups of twos and threes. Look for the set of five black keys (1 group of 3 and one of 2) that are in the center of your piano. Middle C is the white key… Continue reading Getting Familiar With the Piano Keys:
Getting Familiar With Your Notes:
Music notes may seem strange now, but so did the letters of the alphabet when you first encountered them as a child. Your curiosity and the constant use of the written and spoken language around you have furnished your ability to read and not be scared of written words when you see them. The same… Continue reading Getting Familiar With Your Notes:
This is what we call the Grand Staff. You can see that there are lines and spaces on the top part as well as the bottom part. Notice the 2 different signs within the lines and spaces? These are called Clefs, and the top one is called the Treble Clef, and the bottom one is… Continue reading THE GRAND STAFF:
میزان نما
در سمت راست “مایه نما” (در صورت وجود) “میزان نما” قرار دارد. میزان نما به طور معین، از دو عدد تشکیل شده است و شبیه به یک کسر به نظر می رسد. ممکن است تا انتهای یک قطعه موسیقی ثابت باشد و همین طور می تواند در فواصل زمانی مختلف تغییر کند. عدد بالا: مشخص… Continue reading میزان نما